

Now that I’ve been in Edinburgh more than two days, it’s starting to surprisingly become familiar. The sloped cobblestone streets are ones that I have walked down before on my way to one destination or another. The cold is already normal too, who knew I’d adjust so fast. Even though I’m wearing three pairs of tights today, at least it wasn’t raining so I could wear my Highlander kilt from school back home. I must admit it felt pretty awesome to wander the streets of Edinburgh wearing a traditional kilt and even getting compliments on it! The weather the last two days has been beautiful too, sun with times of clear blue sky and a crispness in the air that only becomes bitingly cold with the wind. We visited Edinburgh Castle yesterday after meetings about classes, schoolwork and the academic culture at York.

My study abroad group at the castle!


Our advisers are so nice; with helpful advice about where to go while we’re here, what to see and do, food, and various things when we get to York. The castle was spectacular, and it isn’t even a particularly large castle! Our tour around the grounds gave us a brief history of some of what has happened in the castle’s history. Mary Queen of Scots lived here at one point which was another nerdy fact. The different buildings within the castle walls were just so old and interesting and what has been housed inside them has changed over the years. The views from the bluff of the castle were spectacular too; going on for miles since the wind had cleared everything out.

Crazy right?

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