An update and some musings


* Quick note: This post doesn’t have as many pictures, but I may come back and add some in… But here’s me in one of my hats today!

So I’ve been abroad for 2 weeks now, which simultaneously feels like forever and nothing at all. I suppose that’s good though, it means I’m getting the most out of my time. Or something. I started classes on Monday, which at first I was super intimidated by suddenly. We kept receiving all of this conflicting, random info from different advisers and faculty about the difficulty of our classes; with some lady telling us that we would practically have to learn a new language to write proper academic English. And then another one said that was for people whose first language wasn’t English. So unclear. And ridiculous since I already know how to do that. Then there was the usual unknown of what professors expect of their students, would I have to talk, will I sound stupid blah blah blah. But the first day was fairly anti-climactic. The lecture for The Romantic Period was sort of dull and random but I’m hoping it will pick up. I just have to keep up with all of my reading. My Kindle has already proved quite handy for keeping all of my reading on it though so that’s a plus.

On the social spectrum, my hallmates (flatmates? roommates? apartment mates? I never know what to call them) and I are getting along really well. They’re all so welcoming and friendly, from knocking on my door to ask if I want to do stuff with them or feeding me when they make dinner. They gave me a cupboard in the kitchen too which just felt kind. I have a pretty cool group of international student girls to hang out with too, and it’s been so fun to go into to town and explore and go out dancing with them at night and just experience being here with other ‘outsiders’ as it were.

Other things:

  • Someone who had this room before me left glow-in-the-dark stars and planets on the ceiling. I like them.
  • I have a sweater shelf and it makes me really happy.
  • It was supposed to rain today for the first time since I’ve been here, but it still hasn’t. Weird.
  • Going out here to clubs or pubs or bars or even just for food is expensive. It doesn’t seem that bad until suddenly it’s adding up. Gotta cut down even though it’s part of the experience.
  • This is what I wore to the first day of classes:
  • I think I’m going to do some more specialized posts on specific things instead of clumping them together.
  • I’ve heard Mexican food is atrocious here, if you can even find it, which I am severely disappointed by. I’m not sure how long I’ll last without it. At least I know how to make a lot of it so there’s that option.
  • If you want to take a tour of York Minster like I did, go here and explore. It’s almost like being there.
  • The size of lined notebook paper is different here. Awkward.
  • I have a newfound appreciation for socks and boots. At home they were rarely necessary and so not much attention was paid to them. Now I love socks and want to buy more and boots are my shoe of choice.
  • I think I have lost weight again. Not sure if I like it.
  • Guys here are strange. They’ll smile at you and whisper to their friends and stare at you but won’t make a move at all. They rarely just walk up and talk to you and they definitely don’t just start dancing with someone. Pretty different from home where guys don’t really give a crap and do whatever they want for the most part. I think a balance of the two would be nice.
  • I have now successfully eaten two meals solo in the dining hall and it was quite liberating.
  • My bed needs some sort of extra padding on it but mattress toppers are expensive.
  • There are 4 ducks quacking outside my window right now. They’re just some of the many birds we have on campus. They’re funny.

3 responses »

  1. This sounds really great!!
    I’ll be honest… I’m surprised at the guys comment since you hear about how Europeans are so forward. They will come around though. haha.
    I’m SO jealous and I wish I was there with you! ❤

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