A bit of a smorgasbord today


So since it’s really cold and might actually rain I thought I would do a little homey, everyday life post. You know, what my room looks like and such. But first an update on everything else I suppose. I had my first seminar for my Milton class today, and I think I’m going to really like it. The class feels like one of my honors discussion sections (except without the horrible soul crushing that came with anything to do with honors) because of it’s small class size. I think there are only 12 people in the seminar which can either be incredibly awkward or a lovely sort of intimacy. Today it was pleasant but we’ll see. There was only one guy in the class, actually there was only one in my other seminar too. Good to see the English program is female dominated. Well maybe not so if I want to go on a date but ehh. My professor was really animated which is always a good way for me to become engaged in a class. Overall so far so good. Dinner wasn’t bad tonight either; school cafeterias probably shouldn’t make risotto but at least it had flavor.

Now to my house. I live in one of the older buildings on campus, but like we would always say on housing tours, it has history.

But my room itself is cute. It felt cozy as soon as I started unpacking and now it really feels like home.  Here’s some of the things in there that make me happy


My collages on the giant bulletin board on the wall. It’s seriously like 6 ft wide. It’s one of the coolest things about my room. And it’s nice to have room to add on to it with things I collect while I’m here.

Also hanging on the bulletin board is all of my jewelry. I hung my necklaces from tacks, while the travel toiletry case hangs holding my earrings, bracelets, and rings. I was quite proud of my creativity here.

Now on to the clothes! I tweeted the other day about my closet looking like the inside of Hollister, and now you all may judge for yourselves. There’s something about those wooden shelves…  And next to that we have pretty much my new favorite things, the faux leather boots I bought at  Primark in Edinburgh for £10! They’re pretty fantastic.



And just a few more random shots. My school stuff (Kindle, planner and notebook), sweater shelf again, and my little sink area in my room which is super convenient.

Oh! And the view out my window

Now for some closing remarks:

  • We still haven’t gotten any real rain. So strange
  • Everyone here must either be independently wealthy or heiresses or oil barons’ kids or something because they all have so much disposable income for food out in restaurants and groceries and alcohol and clubbing. It’s insane.
  • I think I want some sort of border paper for my bulletin board.
  • Every time I come home and want to socialize with my hall mates, no one’s home, and then the second I get cozy in my room or get sleepy or a headache crops up, everybody pours out of their rooms to party it up. Terrible timing people
  • I’m irritated and a little ashamed that I’m not at Riverside today, yesterday too. There are incredible protests and changes happening that I saw the beginnings of last year but to not be there for the Regents’ meeting and the awesome power of the frustrated student body is disappointing. I’ll stay glued to the computer then
  • Being able to drink tap water is quite literally refreshing
  • Playlist for this post: Ed Sheeran, courtesy of Jake

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