Mini Update


This whole post is going to be in bullet form, just so everyone is aware before they embark on the task of reading.

  • I (finally) got to Skype with my two best friends and roommates at home last night (well really incredibly early this morning). It was so good to see their faces and hear their voices and laugh hysterically with them even being so far apart. It made me very happy đŸ™‚
  • A few of my hallmates and I went to the college bar (yes each college has their own bar) last night. It was really chill, just people sitting around with a few drinks and talking. They taught me how to play pool too, and the great highlight for me was getting one ball to go into a pocket. It was quite exciting. I expect only exponential improvement from now on.
  • I made a Disney collage to decorate the front of my dull notebook for school.
  •  See?
  • I bought groceries yesterday. Having food to eat that isn’t from the dining hall or from eating out is already incredibly helpful. Yay for food!
  • Me and the girls went to a really cool pub called the Evil Eye Lounge tonight for a few hours. It was thoroughly enjoyable; with a really fun vibe to the whole place (candles, fun wall decor, highback chairs, cool bartenders), delicious drinks, and good conversation. We might make it a weekly tradition actually!
  • The extra cushion and pillow for my bed should be soon. I can’t wait to have a more comfortable bed.
  • Now I shall sleep because I either feel a cold coming on or I’m being paranoid because my friend here is sick. Either way I need to sleep.
  • Playlist for this post: Ed Sheeran… again…

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