The last few days


So just some brief bulleted highlight blurbs:

  • Dorothy Perkins is becoming my latest clothing store obsession. They have been having a clearance sale online and in their stores and the deals are insane. I’ve bought some really good pieces in the last week for ridiculous prices and the things I bought are making me very happy.
  • My throat still hurts pretty bad left over from my little cold so if it doesn’t go away that’s one more question to ask at the health centre.
  • I am ridiculously excited for Glee’s Michael Jackson episode. It just looks so fun I can’t wait.
  •  My cool new ring (from Dorothy Perkins) and a fresh manicure. I’m quite pleased with myself for keeping my nails nice and not biting them.
  • I started to catch up on the TV show Supernatural again and I’ve been entertaining myself by drawing parallels and making connections to Milton’s Paradise Lost. Super nerdy.
  • We still need to finalize a lot of our trip plans but it’s still way too exciting!
  • Cookies are delicious.
  • My sense of style is a lot different here, I guess you could say it’s better. For some reason I felt like I could sort of re-invent myself and the way I usually dress and wear things that I would usually think I can’t pull off. There’s something sort of nice about putting together outfits that I’ve thought would look awful on me, and being pleasantly surprised when I like the result. It’s fun to be one the stylish girls too.
  • Speaking of clothes, I took a picture of my outfit yesterday because I really liked it and was complimented on it too. (here’s my face)  (a view of the actual outfit)
  • I need to take more pictures. And have people take pictures of me too. I want these memories to look back on
  • Sometimes I don’t like leaving my room when I hear people outside because I feel nosy or like I’m interrupting something. But I think that’s just me being weird because everyone is always so friendly but still. Nobody wants to be the weird kid.
  • I think the International Student’s Association is going to be really good for me. Their meeting was very relaxed, and they had food. I think this could work. Also, I’m going to the Harry Potter Society meeting sometime this week. Hopefully it’s fun!
  • My tiny Nutella jar is now a pencil holder on my desk.
  • All I’ve done today is read and think of essay topics. Blah I’ve been shut in my room all day I should probably have some sort of human interaction today.
  • I had dinner at Pizza Express last night with a few friends and it was even better than before. Our advisers took us to the one in Edinburgh, and I had a gift card from them to use so we went last night. My pizza was delicious.  I got the Soho with rocket and olives. It was so yummy and I definitely ate the entire thing. And still had room for cheesecake. Yep.
  • I need to cook more. Especially on the weekends. It makes me happy and keeps me healthy.
  • Alright, time for more food. To the kitchen I go!
  • Playlist for this post: Supernatural Season 6. I took a break from reading to watch and write this post.

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