Well it’s been a while everyone


I’m just going to go straight to the bulleted highlight blurbs for this one. If there are any longer stories I want to share, then they will simply be longer bullet points! Also, I’m not sure how many pictures this one is going to have so fair warning.

  • I’ve been missing my old job a lot recently. Not just because I’m poor and it would be nice to be getting a paycheck, but because I really did enjoy working. Ahh well something to look forward to next year!
  • I think I’m going to go to either Leeds or the Lake District here in England this weekend for like a day trip, and then hopefully London the weekend after that. I need to explore more!
  • I made actual progress on my essays due at the end of this week so that’s encouraging.
  • My new coat came in the mail! It’s long and covers my butt so I’m extra warm and it’s really nice.  I can’t wait to actually wear it out in some rain! (Just checked. It’s supposed to rain next week!)
  • It’s been slightly warm recently. Like not shockingly frigid cold every time I walk outside, but only crisp. It’s quite nice
  • There are a lot of things I’m wishing would have fit in my suitcase but there’s really no point in worrying about it.
  • Wizard Week was fantastic! We got to ride on the Hogwarts Express; the actual steam engine and one of the rail cars used in the filming of the movies! It was really exciting and I felt like a little kid again, about to get on the train to finally take me away to Hogwarts.
  •    Giddy before getting on the train
  •  Rocking my sword of Gryffindor shirt in the compartment!
  •  I didn’t want to leave
  • The exchange rate is still killer.
  • I am pretty much officially nocturnal, plus a bit of an insomniac. It’s super fun.
  • The cafeteria serves fish and chips on Fridays and it’s really the only meal to look forward to.
  • I bought purple hair dye and am going to dye the ends of my hair purple! I’ve never dyed it before, but I’ve been wanting to try something different. And this way if it looks bad it won’t ruin the color of my entire head and I can easily cut it off.
  • I feel more confident here. Maybe it’s the independence; but even on my anti-social, reclusive days I feel a sense of self-assurance that wasn’t there before. It’s a good feeling.
  • I’ve been able to find my allergy medications for really cheap which is nice because at home it’s quite expensive.
  • People still seem to find my accent endearing and attractive. I have no idea why because I mean, have any of these people heard themselves? You all sound magnificent, not me.
  • Chocolate is a food group.
  • Lipstick makes me feel so glamorous.
  • All of my weird dreams I’ve had lately are just about the people I miss. At least I think that’s what my brain is trying to tell me.
  • I’ve really been thinking about my future a lot recently as well. I want to do a lot of things, so it’s more about structuring and finding time to do them all. Having big dreams just means I have to work for them.
  • Mardi Gras is this Tuesday, or as it is known here, Shrove Tuesday. From what I can gather it is also Pancake Day (or crepe day since they’re not really pancakes) so it should be interesting to see some different traditions for this day.
  • Playlist for this post: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Soundtrack by Alexandre Desplat (which should have been nominated for an Oscar AND won the Grammy it was nominated for.)

2 responses »

  1. just finished reading all of your entries. it was so good skyping with you earlier. i saw that you end to the elephant house– did you go to greyfriar’s graveyard in edinburgh too? (the riddles and mcgonagalls are buried there.) i had the problem with photos too– what my friends and i did was switch cameras. at the end of the day, our own cameras will filled with pictures of ourselves. promise to goodness, there will be some amazing candids if you do this.

    • awww yay! it was so lovely to talk to you too! it’s still making me smile today :). we walked past greyfriar’s a few times and saw it from the castle i think but we never went in! and the camera idea is seriously such a good idea. i’ll have to try that!

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