Monthly Archives: March 2012

Two months


I can’t believe it. I’ve actually been away for two whole months. It seems crazy that I’ve been here for so long, since it really hasn’t seemed like very long at all. I’ve been keeping myself busy recently, with school work, hanging out with my American friends, and staying in and enjoying the company of my hall. It’s nice to finally feel at home here, like I have a place where I fit in and I know how things work. Not that things have become dull, just that I feel comfortable here. It’s just nice to have people to spend time with.

I don’t have any large, main stories that warrant dominating this post so I suppose we’ll move on to the bulleted highlight blurbs yes?

  • My hall mates and I finished watching the extended edition versions of the LOTR trilogy last night. It was quite the undertaking but so worth it.
  • I will be flying to Italy in less than two weeks to start my whirlwind spring break tour. I seriously can’t believe it.
  • I’m starting work on my final essays for my classes since one is due in week 10 and the other once I come back from break. But since I won’t really be essay writing then I’m starting that one now too.
  • The parentals put my paycheck into my bank account for me. Yay for my money!
  • It’s been unseasonably warm recently, like 55 during the day. That’s not even unbearable anymore which is somewhat impressive but also makes my California soul cry a little bit.
  • The girls in my hall and I went out this week and had a ton of fun bar hopping and just being gossipy and silly all night. So fun.
  • I am officially all caught up on Supernatural. It’s a big deal get excited people.
  • My friend and I took a day trip over to Leeds last weekend. We got a bit lost on the way there, but exploring a new city and doing some shopping once we got there was super fun. We plan to go back and check out the nightlife with a bigger group of people.
  •  Me and Julia on our way!
  •  The inside of Leeds railway station.
  •  One of the beautiful arcades; indoor shopping centers in town. So gorgeous.
  • I started to think about what to pack for the trip and then it seemed too unreal to do that so I stopped.
  • I might need to buy new sheets because the ones that the school gave me are pilling oddly and retain scent really weirdly. So maybe time for another set.
  • I love shoes. I think since I came here with so few pairs, my addiction and appreciation for shoes has become ridiculous. At least I can contain myself most of the time, and only spend very small amounts of money on shoes. But oh how I love them.
  • There’s a bruise underneath one of my toe nails. SO PAINFUL
  • I bought a bag of spinach, rocket, and watercress salad at M&S (a grocery store that’s also a department store). It’s delicious
  • My sleeping habits are a bit better, but it’s still very hit or miss. Some nights are good others aren’t.
  • Being away makes me realize exactly who is important in my life. Some people I miss a lot, others I don’t particularly care that I’m out of their presence. It’s a nice sort of re-evaluation of my relationships.
  • I haven’t had a bowl of cereal in forever. That sounds really good all of a sudden.
  • My Kindle continues to be one of the coolest things ever.
  • The Hunger Games is going to premiere while I’m in Croatia. Huh.
  • A few of my hall mates and I made tentative plans to go to the Royal Ascot horse races in June. It looks fantastic and I hope we actually go.
  • Playlist for this post: Judas by Lady Gaga (on repeat)