Just a quick update!


Being home in N Block  is still pretty much the best thing ever. I knew I would become friends with these people, but boy am I going to miss them. They are such an integral part of my experience here and I am so thankful every day that I fit right into the group, just as they have fit into my heart. And before I get too mushy and sentimental, let’s move on!

  • The last two weeks my flatmates and I have taken to having Sunday brunch at the Charles, a pub really close to campus. The food is cheap and tastes good, and the atmosphere of the place is pretty perfect. 
  • Image Being silly before my food got to me
  • After one of our brunches, we wandered over to the extra wooded areas of campus including The Quiet Place. 
  • Image
  • Image On my way to Narnia! At least, that’s what it looks like. 
  • I’m finally making my way down to London for real next week! I have plans to go to the Harry Potter Studio Tour with friends from UCR studying near London and stay with them for a while, then head over to my flatmate’s house to stay with her and her family for a few nights and let her show me the city. I’m so excited!
  • My last day of instruction for my topic modules was today, then I just have to work on presentations for those classes. My other class will still be meeting on Monday’s, but it’s not very interesting or challenging which is no fun. 
  • I’ve been doing yoga and sets of crunches in an attempt to get back into shape. So far so good.
  • I miss macarons,
  • My hair is obscenely long. I think I’ll cut it when I go back. 
  • I seriously hate acne. So unnecessary. 
  • I think I’ve budgeted enough money to last so I should be good. 
  • I am too emotionally invested in my favorite TV shows. Each season finale is more and more painful, probably because people keep dying and I can’t stop crying. It’s too much I tell you.
  • It’s starting to be a little warmer here. And by that I mean nearly 60 during the day and some sunshine. WOO HOO!
  • I feel as though that may be all I have to report. If I think of more I can always write again!
  • Playlist for this post: Sigur Ros

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