Tag Archives: packing

Just some thoughts

  • Already my room seems barer. As I take things down and organize my clothing, the usual anxieties about space constraints are here, but I’m also conscious of the melancholy strangeness of packing up my life here.
  • I think I might just halfway  live out of my suitcase so I won’t have to keep unpacking and rearranging things.
  • My essay is really boring to write, and I picked the most interesting topic. The fact that I was even given a choice of topics is odd. 
  • My bread went moldy.
  • There’s a chance I won’t have to pay excess baggage charges for my other bag. Also, I’m packing my life into two bags. What. 
  • I still really love skype. 
  • My big suitcase was dusty when I opened it back up today. 
  • Perhaps I need a haircut. It is rather long. Longest it’s been in quite a few years actually. 
  • My iPod battery dies so quickly now. At least it still works!
  • There are so many fewer voices in the corridor now that people have gone home. It’s starting to feel lonely. 
  • Back to essay writing interspersed with packing. 
  • Playlist for this post: Up in Flames by Coldplay