Tag Archives: snow

Snow and shenanigans


Here you have a lovely selection of pictures from my day in the snow! I was super excited that not only was I getting to see real, flaky, powdery snow fall for the first time; but that the first time happened to be in England! I discovered the “Snow” setting on my camera that I never had use for until now, and I think some of my photos turned out quite beautifully. Seeing the city blanketed in snow was so magical.

In related news, I’ve been published! The Highlander; the school newspaper at UCR; had me write a piece for their “Around the World” series. The link to read it online is here: http://www.highlandernews.org/1370/ucr-around-the-world-york-united-kingdom/ and if you wanted to see how it looks in the format of the paper, in the bottom right corner of the page there is an e-edition of the paper you can scroll through. I must admit, it feels pretty cool to have something I wrote actually published. Hopefully this isn’t the last time!

Although the snow has been the highlight of this week, there are still enough little things to warrant some bulleted highlight blurbs!

  • My eating habits have finally stabilized somewhat. I just need to make sure I have enough snacks to make it through the days and actual meals for weekends. But it’s finally working out.
  • My bulletin board is nearly finished. It’s not like it’s difficult but I keep getting distracted or busy so I have yet to finish it.
  • Having clean laundry and fresh sheets is such a luxury.
  • Bought a magazine today (Elle UK) and it came with a free tube of mascara! Sweet! Also I realized I haven’t read a single magazine since I’ve been here and somehow that seemed wrong.
  • Drinking enough water recently has made me feel so much healthier. I need to be remember how something so simple makes me feel so much better.
  • Awkwardness with friends can sometimes be kind of good. Other times it’s annoying.
  • The snow hasn’t completely melted. Probably because it hasn’t really been above freezing. It’s -6 right now.
  • I went to Viking Raid with my friend Tracy last night. It was basically a huge, school-wide pub crawl and everyone got shirts with a map on them. It was a silly night; walking from each spot to the next, people watching while sipping a drink, dancing, laughing at drunk people; the usual. It was just fun to do something as a part of the student body.
  • Next week we’re going to Wizard Week! Can’t wait to ride the Hogwarts Express!
  • I think I’m actually going to look for a job. I need some sort of income.
  • Now for a shower then sleep before two classes tomorrow!
  • Playlist for this post: Songs to Fly playlist on 8tracks