Tag Archives: wine

More random thoughts

All bulleted highlight blurbs today folks.
  • I’m in Paris, and the first meal I had was bread, cheese and wine, naturally. I had a sandwich of perfectly crusty French bread (but like real French bread ya know?) and Cantal cheese, with a small glass of Bordeaux. Perfection honestly.
  •  Image Image
  • To follow that up, we each bought massive macarons. Like huge. Image It was so good. I got the salted caramel flavor and it was scrumptiously gooey and crumbly. 
  • Afterthoughts on Berlin: not my favorite. I don’t know what it was. I liked it well enough, but it didn’t feel as… magical? Maybe it’s the buildings too, a lot of the architecture is sort of blocky and standardized making the city feel sort of dull. I don’t know. I feel like that’s somehow bad to not like any of these amazing places, and it’s that I didn’t like it, just not… in love with it. It just didn’t grab hold of me like some other places have.
  • However our tour from New Sandeman’s was once again fantastic. We took a tour from this company in Prague too, and they’re wonderful. All of the major tourist essentials on a long walking tour with history and anecdotes along the way. Oh and it’s free. You tip at the end depending which is dependent on how much you felt it was worth so I suppose you could not pay at all, but  I would honestly pay ehh €10 or so for one of them. So worth it. 
  • This hostel smells of fresh paint. Odd. But I really like it so far
  • Prague Castle was actually more of a bunch of government buildings and lodging and presedential stuff and cathedrals on a hill. Not one castle. Which was confusing. But beautiful nonetheless!Image
  • Prague was magical. It honestly felt like a fairy tale land come to life. The buildings, the windy streets, the terribly uneven cobblestones, everything. So lovely. 
  • I need to drink more water
  • My rolling duffle bag made it through it’s first big trip! Yay!
  • My money’s low again, and since Paris is just plain expensive I’ll have to budget wisely!
  • I become more and more convinced that I want to be a flight attendant everyday. I have to be able to see the rest of this world and bring other people with me. 
  • While I’m still disappointed I didn’t get to see the Sistine Chapel while in Rome (we went on a Sunday forgetting it was Sunday and that of course it would be closed) but being able to attend mass in St. Peter’s Basilica was unreal. I had tears running down my face nearly the whole time I was inside because it was that overwhelming and awesome. Image ImageImage
  • I think we’re taking a bus tour of Paris tonight to get the lay of the land and it will hopefully be beautiful.
  • Sometimes I wish we had planned out every day of this trip more.
  • I’m slowly turning into my aunts as this trip goes on. I love wine now, with food, on its own, trying new kinds. ohmygod. It makes me laugh every time I remember some random tidbit of wine info said in passing by one of them. 
  • Now to get cleaned up and go do some exploring! and eating, of course. 
  • Playlist for this post: the random selection of music playing in the hostel kitchen, including acoustic James Blunt, random R&B, and other assorted music.